Sunday 22 January 2017

New Rules (Dialogue Between Muslims and Christians & All)

1. Any chatter who abuses Allah. His prophets or Quran is to be banned for 3 months.

2. Admins must not undot/unbounded/unban other admins dots/bounces/bans, leave it to the admin who did it deal with it.

3. Before dotting, warn chatters, if they persist, dot them for 10 mins, if after they are undotted they continue to break room rules, then admins may bounce.

4. Admins must not show favouritism to chatters who are their friends.

5. All admins must work together to deliver the best dawah possible.

6. Less time to be spent on bible discussions, Quran is best dawah (use it).

7. No mocking of guests, admins must not mock or encourage Muslim chatters to mock guests.

8. All guests, Muslims and non-Muslims, who make claims about Islam, must be asked to provide proof for their claims.

9. When there is one non-Muslim debating in room, allow one person to dialogue with them.

10. Topics on mic have priority, do not let allow chatters to distract mic. Without being too controlling try to remind chatters that there is a topic on mic.